UUE – Unitarian Universalist Endowment of Charlotte County

The UUE is an Endowment Fund that has been established to promote the principles and purposes of Unitarian Universalism. It is a way to remember and honor loved ones in the congregation, and friends and family. It is also a way to leave a personal legacy by planning to include in your will a donation to the UUE from your estate. Such contributions will support the vision and work of Unitarian Universalists in southwest Florida in the future.
The UUE of Charlotte County was founded in 1991 by Robert Hansman and Harold Rapp as an autonomous affiliate of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Charlotte County (UUFCC) and the Unitarian Universalist
Association in Boston (UUA). The endowment fund is currently invested in the Unitarian Universalist Association Common Endowment Fund, which employs a socially and environmentally responsible strategy.
The UUE of Charlotte County is managed in accordance with UUE’s Endowment policies and governed by the UUE’s five trustees. The intent is to use the yield on its investments, while preserving the corpus, to assure the financial future of the Fellowship and further the principles and practices of Unitarian Universalism. It serves as an avenue for honoring, in perpetuity, gifts received in memory of deceased members and friends of UUism.
Proceeds from the investments may be used in a variety of ways to support: UUFCC at the request of committees, or the Board, for such things as:
Memorial Services for members and friends (particularly if no family to
New Curriculum for racial justice work (and expenses): Beloved
Conversations and other learning opportunities.
Enhancement of facilities and improvements in technology.
CAPAS, A UU project to support asylum seekers, a major program of our Immigration Justice Committee.
Additionally, Administrative Support from UUFCC is funded.
Donations and bequests can include cash or assets, such as financial securities, annuities, bank accounts, and insurance policies. Because of your planning and generosity, Unitarian Universalism can continue to shine long into the future in Charlotte County and Southwest Florida.
You can mail checks made out to Unitarian Universalists Endowment, Charlotte County to the office of UUFCC, drop them in the mailbox, or call the office to make other arrangements.
1532 Forrest Nelson Blvd.
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
MaryHolly Allison , Kenn Brennan, Stephanie Garrett, Mary Howard, Delmar Wooden, UU ENDOWMENT Trustees