Archives: Services

Finding Ourselves

The theme of the sermons during March is renewal.  And renewal can be directed toward one’s personal faith, one’s life, even one’s own body.  It can even have a broader context of family or group or country renewal.  On March 6 Fred Parmenter will kick … read more.

Reimagining UU Principles and Sources

The future of the UUA is in your hands. The good folks in Boston are asking you to help shape the future of our association. What is important to you? Several members will answer this question and we will fill you in on opportunities … read more.

Helping Our Returning Neighbors

This topic will be presented by Steve Kennedy. Steve will describe the operations of Helping Our Returning Neighbors (HORN), a relatively new nonprofit organization in Charlotte County. Steve will discuss HORN’s mission of helping those released from prison to reenter society.

Speaker: Steve Kennedy

The Importance of Immigration

Members of the Immigration Justice Committee will share their personal stories about immigrating, about working with immigrants, about working for justice.

19th Century Unitarian of Color

Do you know Francis Ellen Watkins Harper? You should and you can! This remarkable woman was a member of the First Unitarian Church in Philadelphia, a poet, a suffragette, an activist, abolitionist, lecturer. Her words continue to provide inspiration.

Speaker: Stephanie Garrett

Hearts that Inspire

Speaker: Rev. Kathy Schmitz

Do you know the connection between Martin Luther King Jr., Mohandas K. Gandhi, Henry David Thoreau, and the India emperor Ashoka? Come discover the chain of influence that began with a nameless monk wandering across an ancient battlefield

Intent vs Impact

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Dorothy Parmenter will share with us a timely sermon from David Miller from the Fairfax Congregation.

Christmas Eve

You are invited to join the UUFCC Beloved Community to celebrate the wonders of the world and the beginning of life full of possibility. While Christmas is about the birth of one child, all children are holy and every newborn baby is a miracle. … read more.

Joy and Blessings

In this month in which we often speak of joy, let’s consider how joy might be enhanced by noticing the blessings in our life. We will have a story and a meditation which will include the personal joys of members and friends of UUFCC.

Speaker: … read more.

It’s All About the Sun

Speaker: Sharon Whitehill

Past or present, far away or close by: we humans are all more alike than we know. Our winter solstice traditions today are a case in point. Then, as now, people honored the return of the sun (personified as a god or … read more.