Archives: Services

Supporting Gay Youth in Our Community

How could anyone ever tell you you are anything less than beautiful? This line from the UU hymnal reflects our values of embracing the inherent dignity of all. Who needs this more than LGBTQ youth in our community who are being told they … read more.

Say Gay

June is Pride month for the LGBTQA+ Community and conjures images of parades and festivals. Six years ago, that image was shattered by gunfire at Pulse nightclub. Today, Rev. Kathy shares her reflection on what Orlando learned and why it is more important than ever … read more.

Blessed be my Ghosts

After sharing some of the insights I’ve gained in the 10 months since my husband, Jim Meloy, unexpectedly died, I offer a paradox: that grief can become a kind of portal to a new aliveness. The film “Truly, Madly, Deeply,” which became Our Movie the … read more.

A Radiant Glow

One way to nurture beauty is to nurture health. What might it mean to nurture our spiritual health so that we can let our true beauty shine?

Speaker: Reverend Kathy Schmitz

Nurturing Beauty is May’s Theme

When does it help you to nurture beauty? Can you find beauty in the mundane? Are you awake to the beauty of the spectacular?

The Calusa

Dr. Jennifer Zoebelein will talk about the native peoples here in our part of Florida for thousands of years – the Calusa. Learn more about how they lived and what is known about them.

Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Zoebelein

Worship Associate: Kay A

The Growing Light

Rev. Kathy explores the Christian story of Easter and suggests some ways that even the non-Christians among us might find meaning.

Speaker: Rev. Kathy Schmitz

Worship Associate: Laura A

ARAY – How to Support Youth in our Community

While all is not well in our world – and especially in Florida – there is hope! This hope is provided by activists in our community who are working toward a gentler world. One such group is All Rainbow and Allied Youth who … read more.

Inspiration from new Board Members

Several members were recently elected to serve UUFCC on the Board of Trustees. What does awakening mean to them? Hear their vision for the future and perspective on volunteering at the fellowship.

Speakers: Various new board members

Worship Associate: Lorrie D

Orson Wells Meets Spock

The sermon this week will endeavor to broaden the understanding of one aspect of mental illness, namely anxiety.  What is it?  How is it experienced? As a care giver, what can you do? And as the sufferer, what can you do?

Speaker: Fred Parmenter

Worship Associate: … read more.