Archives: Services

Building Walls, Building Community

What does it mean to belong? How does a group form an identity?  The Hebrew Bible story of Nehemiah gives us some clues.

Speaker: Rev Janet Onnie

Belonging –

Humans bind to groups by emotional attachments we can describe as belonging. These emotional attachments can be strong and enduring. Joseph’s talk will explore how we can take this innate need to belong and design a congregation that facilitates connection, mattering, and affirmation.

Speaker: Joseph Fenty

Issues with Women’s Healthcare

Second Sunday. Second Helping for Planned Parenthood. How has the current climate affected healthcare in Florida? Planned Parenthood has received our donations and support. What else do we need to know?

Speaker: Kira-Lynn Ferderbe

Labor Day Clean Up

No regular service today. We will gather for our annual cleanup – indoors and out! Organized by Dennis.

Recovery – Lessons Learned

Shared wisdom from UUFCC folks with their experiences with addiction. Lessons we can all learn from! Organized by Lorrie D

I am a Patriot

We hear a lot in the news about the threats to our U.S. democracy. Who gets to define patriotism? Whose freedoms are paramount? We have a system that has guided us since 1776. Does that system still work? What to do?

Speaker: … read more.


Four members will share their experience at the General Assembly which was held in Portland in June. Delegates will share initiatives and governance discussed and voted on. All will share the highlights of the assembly. Should be informative and interesting.

Speakers: Laura Anderson, Suzi … read more.

Farmworkers and Campaign for Fair Food

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers has been working with farmworkers to advance justice and dignity in the agricultural industry for 30 years. Representatives from CIW will give a background of CIW and historical conditions faced by farmworkers and modern-day slavery in agriculture. They will update … read more.

General Assembly Worship

The closing worship from the annual UUA GA is Unitarian Universalist worship at its best Worship together in celebration.