Archives: Services

Hypnosis and Religion

Alan will tell us about the history and myths of hypnosis, why some religions forbid its use and yet others use hypnosis in their religious practices.

Speaker: Alan Searle

The Love of Justice, the Justice of Love

“Any religion which professes to be concerned about the souls of men and women and is not concerned about the social and economic conditions that can scar the soul, is a spiritually moribund religion only waiting for the day to be buried.” Rev Martin … read more.


Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies serves victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and other violent crimes in Charlotte County. We will hear more about the important work C.A.R.E. is doing in our community on this second Sunday.

Speaker: Linda Lusk, Chief Advancement Officer, … read more.

Thanksgiving Revisited

Thanksgiving is a much-loved holiday to some and a painful reminder of colonization and loss to others. Let’s revisit this time and get a new perspective.

Speaker: Rev Bob Murphy


Life is full of changes and change is inevitable. Learn some wisdom about coping with change in life.

Speaker: Rev Byrd Tetzlaff

Immigration Issues and Answers

Learn about immigration law and how it applies to asylum applicants. This is a unique opportunity to learn about the current status and future prospects for immigrants who have left homes ravaged by war and drug lords and wish to settle in the USA.

Speaker: … read more.

The Real Meaning of Halloween

Divinity Priestess Elaine Silver will be live and in person with a unique musical program celebrating this ancient holiday. Part of this service is honoring our ancestors. If you wish, bring a photo of someone you would like to remember who is no longer with … read more.

Fellowship building damaged in Hurricane Ian

One of our beautiful oak trees has damaged the roof in the sanctuary. The extent of the damage is unknown until the tree is removed. There is extensive damage to the grounds. There will be no Sunday service nor other meetings in the building … read more.

Building Beloved Community

What does it mean to be in Beloved Community? How can we, as both individual Unitarian Universalists and part of the wider UU world, work to build Beloved Community? Not just in our congregations, but also in the wider world?

Speaker: Rev Tracie Barrett