A Sense of Belonging
What does it mean to belong? Laura Anderson will relate stories of how important belonging is, personally, and in our democracy.
What does it mean to belong? Laura Anderson will relate stories of how important belonging is, personally, and in our democracy.
It’s one thing to consider forgiveness in hypothetical or historical contexts and quite another to apply it to fresh institutional and personal insult. In this sermon, Sharon Whitehill does both: discuss forgiveness in general, then ask what extending forgiveness–or not–to those who have recently hurt … read more.
Rev. Kathy Schmitz will speak about the stories we tell and the way we tell them help us find and create meaning. What stories do you tell? What role do you play in the story of your life?
Rev. Bruce A. Bode will speak. – Why do we remember what we remember? And what is it that is passed on from one life to another? This sermon will explore the mystery of memory and the ties of love that bind us together.
Several members and friends will affirm what UUFCC means to them in their lives. Prepare to be inspired and moved by these personal stories.
Ted Zawistowski will speak about his experiences as a counselor for Charlotte Behavioral Health Car working with juvenile boys in detention and with adult sex offenders on probation after prison.
Rev. Kathy Schmitz The story of one family’s afternoon trip to Abilene highlights the importance of sharing our thoughts and feelings with the right people at the right time. How can we help ensure that we all have the information we need … read more.
Rev. Kathy Schmitz There are amazing gifts around us all the time, if we but notice. What will help us open our hearts and our minds to imagine all that is possible?
Kathy Schmitz from UUA- Orlando will provide sermon
We have dedicated this service to hearing from members of the Widening the Circle group who will share the top action steps for the fellowship.