First Time Visitor?
How we do church when we meet in person
When you first come to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Charlotte County, you will be greeted at the door by friendly folks who are ready to welcome you as you are. You can make a nametag if you wish and get a packet of materials about Unitarian Universalism and our Fellowship.

Our service starts at 10:30 but folks like to arrive early and visit – so the place is already lively. We have a fellowship room where coffee, tea, and snacks seem to flow all morning.
The sanctuary is to the left and a narrow hallway to the right leads to the restrooms. Come to the sanctuary, grab a hymnal on your way to find a seat, and settle in. A few minutes before the service starts, you might hear a bell ring – the call for folks to settle down, and shortly after the bell rings, the choir, visiting minister, and worship associate might process in while we sing, “Enter Rejoice and Come In”.
The service often begins with a welcome to visitors and an invitation to introduce yourself if you would like. Someone has a microphone and will bring it to you so we can all hear you. If you are not comfortable doing so, don’t. We are simply trying to get to know you a little.
The service usually lasts an hour and then we convene in the fellowship room for coffee, tea, snacks, and conversation.