Caring Committee

Caring Committee Spins Off New Hospitality & Social Team An Amicable Separation |
The former Caring & Hospitality Committee has become two separate groups. Recognizing a post-Covid need for an increased focus on opportunities to be together for fun and socializing, a new Hospitality & Social Team has been created. The new team will take lead on coordinating and supporting social events, overseeing Coffee Hour after worship, and monitoring a new social activities google list (click here to join). The Caring Committee will continue to lead the Fellowship’s direct caring for individuals through: ● Visitations or phone calls to those who are in the hospital, at home, or in a rehab facility. ● Providing food or getting groceries for someone who is housebound and unable to go to the store. ● Providing food and/or flowers and decorations for Celebrations of Life, marriages or baby/wedding showers. ● Sending cards to anyone who is celebrating a birthday, is in the hospital or just needs to know we are thinking of them ~Patient Advocacy The two groups will collaborate to assist with receptions following Celebrations of Life and other special events, as requested by the family and leadership. While these two groups will coordinate the activities in their respective areas, it is expected that the actual hands-on activities will be carried out by members and friends of the Fellowship. New ways to express your interest in both areas will be forthcoming. In the meantime, you can reach either group by emailing Jackie Williamson and Debbie Conrad at for Caring and/or Suzi Barbee at for Hospitality and Social for more information or to join the teams. |