Our Auction Web Site is now hosting a new type of auction – one where a percentage of the proceeds from each sale will go toward the efforts of the Social Justice Committee, in particular, its outreach is known as 2nd Helping.

It works like this. Let’s say you have something you want to sell. Instead of using Craigslist, eBay, or a garage sale to sell the item, you can first try to sell it using this site. If successful, a portion of the proceeds will benefit 2nd Helping. If it doesn’t sell you can still use Craigslist, or eBay or have a garage sale.

You choose what portion of the successful bid goes to 2nd Helping. For expensive items, such as a car or a set of silver, you might designate a smaller percentage of the sale to go toward 2nd Helping. For other items, you may decide to split the proceeds with 2nd Helping. Still, in other cases, you may elect to have the whole portion go to 2nd Helping.

Also, think of contributing non-tangible items. We have learned from past auctions that items such as lessons or rides to the airport or some hours of yard work, are highly desirable.

Speaking of other auctions, this auction is totally separate from our Annual Service Auction. Also, this auction runs throughout the year, so you can use it at any time.

You can donate items to the auction, or bid on existing items, as follows:

  • Access www.uufcc.org
  • Click on “Life of the Community”
  • Click on “Auction Web Site”
  • Click the Submit button and login

(If you have forgotten your username or password there is a link you can click on. If you need a username and password email the office at office@uufcc.org

Under the menu option AUCTIONS, you will find 2nd Helping listed. Click on it and you will see where you can donate to the auction or bid on an item.

If you need help listing your item reach out to either of our two volunteers: Linda Quinn (941.235.7231) and Kay Azar (574.360.9186). Otherwise, if you have any problems using the site, please call or email me.

Good luck with your bidding! And thank you for your efforts to benefit 2nd Helping.

Fred Parmenter 508.359.2611